
  • Command + Shift + A/U/D - to open Application, Utilities, Desktop Folders
  • Command [ and ] to move back and forward
  • Command up - takes you up a level in the folder structure
  • Command down - opens the current folder in the same window


  • Option + Command + M - to minimize all open windows
  • Command ~ - switch windows in open application
  • Command , - open presences of current application
  • Fn + Control + F2 - in any application to highlight its menu
  • Fn + Control + F3 - Open Dock form any where
  • Command + Shift + F - Go fullscreen on application
  • Ctrl + Command + A - Keep window afloat


  • Command Shift [ and ] - switch tab in current window
  • Command + Shift + T - Reopens the last tab you’ve closed
  • Command + Optopm - CLose current window
  • Delete or Command + [ - Goes back a page
  • Shift + Delete or Command + ] - Goes forward a page
  • Command + Y - Open History
  • Command + L - Highlight url
  • Option + Left or Right Arrow - Move by Word
  • Option + Shift + Left or Right Arrow - Highlight by Word
  • Command + Delete - Deletes
  • Command + Shift-I - Emails your current page.
  • Command + R - Reloads your current page.
  • Command + , - Stops loading of your current page.
  • Command + F - Opens the find bar.
  • Command + G - Finds the next match for your input in the find bar.
  • Command + Shift-G or Shift-Enter - Finds the previous match for your input in the find bar.
  • Command + E - Uses selection for find
  • Command + J - Jumps to selection
  • Command + Option-I - Opens Developer Tools.
  • Command + Option-J - Opens the JavaScript Console.
  • Command + Option-U - Opens the source of your current page.
  • Command + D - Saves your current webpage as a bookmark.
  • Command + Shift-D - Saves all open tabs as bookmarks in a new folder.
  • Command + Shift-F - Opens your page in full-screen mode.
  • Command + and - - Makes everything on the page smaller.
  • Command + 0 - Returns everything on the page to normal size.
  • Command + Shift-H - Opens your home page in your current tab.
  • Command + Option-F - Searches the web.

##Cursor Placement Shortcuts

  • Command + right goes to the end of a line of text
  • Command + left goes to the start of a line of text
  • Command + up goes to the top of a document
  • Command + down goes to the bottom of a document
  • Option + left goes to the start of the current word
  • Option + right goes to the end of the current word
  • Option + up goes to the start of the paragraph
  • Option + down goes to the end of the paragraph
  • Hold down shift and move the arrow keys to select any text

##Text Style Shortcuts

  • Command + B makes the currently selected text bold
  • Command + I makes the currently selected text italic
  • Command + U makes the currently selected text underlined
  • Shift + Alt + Command + V pastes the highlighted text and matches the destination style


  • alt Return - Search the Web
  • Command Return Search with spotlight
  • Dash {query} search for documentation


  • Ctrl + Alt + H select word to go to dash


  • Ctrl+Left / Ctrl+Right: Move by words
  • Ctrl+Home / Ctrl+End: Move to the beginning / end of the file
  • Ctrl+L: Expand selection to line

##Keypress Command

  • Command + X - Delete line
  • Command + Return - Insert line after
  • Command + Shift + Return - Insert line before
  • Command + Ctrl + ↑ - Move line/selection up
  • Command + Ctrl + ↓ - Move line/selection down
  • Command + L - Select line - Repeat to select next lines
  • Command + D - Select word - Repeat select others occurrences
  • Ctrl + M - Jump to closing parentheses Repeat to jump to opening parentheses
  • Ctrl + Shift + M - Select all contents of the current parentheses
  • Command + K, Command + K- Delete from cursor to end of line
  • Command + K + ⌫ - Delete from cursor to start of line
  • Command + ] - Indent current line(s)
  • Command + [ - Un-indent current line(s)
  • Command + Shift + D - Duplicate line(s)
  • Command + J - Join line below to the end of the current line
  • Command + / - Comment/un-comment current line
  • Command + Option + / - Block comment current selection
  • Command + Y - Redo, or repeat last keyboard shortcut command
  • Command + Shift + V - Paste and indent correctly
  • Ctrl + Space - Select next auto-complete suggestion
  • Ctrl + U - soft undo; jumps to your last change before undoing change when repeated
  • Ctrl + Shift + Up - Column selection up
  • Ctrl + Shift + Down - Column selection down

##Navigation/Goto Anywhere

  • Command + P - Quick-open files by name
  • Command + R - Goto symbol   ##Goto word in current file
  • Ctrl + G - Goto line in current file


  • Command + Shift + P - Command prompt
  • Command + K, Command + B - Toggle side bar
  • Ctrl + Shift + P - Show scope in status bar


  • Command + F - Find
  • Command + Option + F - Replace
  • Command + Shift + F - Find in files


  • Command + Shift + t - Open last closed tab
  • Ctrl + Tab - Cycle up through tabs
  • Shift + Ctrl + Tab - Cycle down through tabs  

##Split window

  • Command + Option + 2 - Split view into two columns
  • Command + Option + 1 - Revert view to single column
  • Command + Option + 5 - Set view to grid (4 groups)
  • Ctrl + [NUM] - Jump to group where num is 1-4
  • Ctrl + Shift + [NUM] - Move file to specified group where num is 1-4


  • Command + F2 - Toggle bookmark
  • F2 - Next bookmark
  • Shift + F2 - Previous bookmark
  • Shift + Command + F2 - Clear bookmarks

##Text manipulation

  • Command + K, Command + U - Transform to Uppercase
  • Command + K, Command + L - Transform to Lowercase


  • Command + D - goto create/search field


  • Ctrl + Shift + Command + Right Arrow - Resize window to right vertical
  • Ctrl + Shift + Command + left Arrow - Resize window to left vertical
  • Ctrl + Shift + Command + up Arrow - Resize window to half top
  • Ctrl + Shift + Command + down Arrow - Resize window to half bottom
  • Ctrl + Shift + Command + Enter - Resize window to fit full screen
  • Ctrl + Command + left Arrow - Move window to other screen


  • open $(mdfind -onlyin ~/Documents “sample.rtf”)